Studio Potter is pleased to welcome Randi O'Brien as a Co-Editor. Beginning in January 2022, Studio Potter will have not one but two editors! The co-editors will publish in four-month blocks. Randi will bring us into the new year with a fresh, thoughtful selection of articles from January to... Read More

Three stories this month. Each one is a journey.
One author writes from the early part of his journey; if this was a story about a quest, we are meeting him on the road where he has already gathered his kit and set out from home. We, the readers, follow his nascent journey as he arrives... Read More

Ruddhi Vichare lives and runs her pottery studio 'Koorm' based in Pune, India. During the last year of college,... Read More

Studio Potter has moved through a handful of identities in forty-nine years. How could it not? When the journal began in 1972 it was a tactile version of open-source software. There was no social media. There was no YouTube to search for tutorials on how to put in a venturi burner. There was no... Read More

Established in 2019 and funded by an anonymous donor, Studio Potter’s Grants for Apprenticeships Program supports emerging artists who want to become full-time studio potters and mentor-potters who wish to take on... Read More

It is with great sorrow that the family and friends of Arnie Zimmerman mark his passing at age 66. Arnie succumbed to a five-year struggle with depression following the death of his 23-year-old daughter Isabel Rosenthal Zimmerman in 2016.
... Read More

Adam Nicholas Yungbluth, 39, of Morehead, Kentucky, husband of Melissa Lee Yungbluth, passed away June 12, 2021, at home.
Adam received a Master of Fine Arts in ceramics from the University of Mississippi, Oxford, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Ceramics and Sculpture from Miami University... Read More

One of the first times lecturing in a room with stadium seating, I was so nervous my voice shook while speaking on the confidence-giving power an avatar can provide. Specifically making a point about the history of puppetry, I cited examples of how puppets were able to speak truth to power... Read More

The Wyoming landscape is not what you could call subtle. Invariably, when driving across the high plains, along with my marvel at the great expansiveness and the magnitude of the confrontational geologic display (Sometimes I imagine the mountains are hankering for a fight. They challenge... Read More