Mar 2, 2021

We are grateful for the opportunity to engage with our community, to answer questions, and receive feedback from the people we are most directly accountable to: you. We are entering into this conversation with an open heart, receptive to and appreciative of the critiques and challenges... Read More

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Mar 1, 2021

Inspiration. If we don’t actively conjure it, we are at the unforgiving mercy of our muse.

Knowing there is always clay to be wedged – well – it gives ceramists a leg up. When our brains can’t find traction, when our hearts are numb or heavy with burden, the physicality of our... Read More

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Feb 1, 2021

In November Studio Potter ran the first half of a report summarizing a series of conversations between galleries and artists. The impetus for the conversation was to consider the existing relationship... Read More

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Jan 4, 2021

Welcome to 2021.

At our home the black-eyed peas and greens were prepared and eaten. The closets were cleaned, out with the old in order to welcome the new. We released old obligations, acknowledging our short-comings as we embraced our humanity. We were grateful for the gifts of grace... Read More

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Dec 4, 2020
Congratulations to the recipients of our 2020 Grants for Apprenticeships.

Each team of mentor and apprentice will receive $10,000 to support their one-year apprenticeship.

Established in 2019 and funded by an anonymous donor,... Read More

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Nov 30, 2020

2020 has compressed us. The forces of history and nature confronted us like the chaotically arranged molecules we tend to be and exerted their force, descending with unprejudiced pressure on multiple planes. 

Instead of thinking about the year as a series of... Read More

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Nov 1, 2020

Everything is in question right now. 

As I contemplated how to introduce the November stories to Studio Potter readers, Portia’s speech from The Merchant of Venice came into my mind, especially the opening lines, 

“The quality of mercy is not strained; It... Read More

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Oct 1, 2020

There is a book I used when I was teaching foundations of art called A Whack on the Side of the Head by Roger von Oech. It’s a book full of exercises to unlock creativity, to help you get out of your own way and quiet your brain while achieving flow in your process. One of my favorite exercises... Read More

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Sep 30, 2020


Our final Studio Potter Author Chat for September was with Erin L. Shafkind, Courtney M. Leonard, and Paul S. Briggs. We zoomed in to talk in depth about topics surrounding the content of Shafkind's article, "Reclaiming the Potter." Enjoy this thoughtful, open, flowing, and in depth... Read More

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Sep 30, 2020
Jeffery Kleckner, studio potter from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 65 years of age, passed away late August, 2020 while at work in his studio. Born and raised in Allentown Pennsylvania, Jeff maintained a studio in Bethlehem since 1988. His pottery interest was piqued when he took a college level ceramic... Read More
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