This morning the air had that snap. “Oh, here we go,” I happily thought while letting the dogs out to run a bit. Of course, it was almost ninety by midday, but Fall is on the way. Musing about the colors that will follow the sun’s warming departure, sipping on the first cup o’ joe, wondering how... Read More

During the period of my life when I was a full-time instructor at a community college, I recall a state of bemused recognition when my freshman students would come into my office, plop down, and intently express fear and concern that THE END WAS NIGH! The conversations usually occurred right... Read More

Continental Clay has donated FIVE gift cards worth $200 each for you to win! To enter the raffle, simply donate $20 or more to our 50 for 50 Fundraiser. Every donation of $20 made July 11th to July 21st will be worth one entry into the raffle to win a $200 gift card.
To... Read More

It is with heavy hearts that we share the news that Kari Marboe was involved in a fatal motor vehicle incident. This sudden loss of an important member of our California College of Art family is a shock to all of us. It is both devastating and heartbreaking. On behalf of the college we... Read More

It has been a bit of an internal fight to clearly see the through line of the five July articles. They are distinct, but not entirely disparate. There is the essence of seeing and knowing, or at least coming to know, in each story. There is also an aspirational thread, the full on... Read More

Established in 2019 and funded by an anonymous donor, Studio Potter’s Grants for Apprenticeships Program supports emerging artists who want to become full-time studio potters and mentor-potters who wish to take on... Read More

We are here. We want to be there. Identifying where or what constitutes here and there doesn’t matter much. It’s more about the dilemma of what needs to be traversed to close the gap between where we are and where we want to be. Along the way, there will be questions.
In the... Read More