Studio Potter thanks the following donors,
and those who chose to remain anonymous,
for their generosity and support of our
mission, journal, history, and future.
This listing is updated each year in June, reporting
donations made between during the prior fiscal year,
April 1, 2016 through March 31, 2017.
Richard Aerni
Ian Anderson & Kari Radasch
Posey Bacopoulos
Mary Barringer
Hayne Bayless
David Bellar
Curtis Benzle
David Beumee
Kenneth Bichell
Sandy Blain
Susan Bogen
William R. Bowser
Claire Brassil
Lucy Breslin
Patricia Bridges
Robert Briscoe
Sue Browdy
Joy Brown
Joanne Brown
John A Burkholder
Sarah Burns
Kris Byrd
Rev. Paul F. Campbell
Sharon Campbell
Peter Chartrand
Linda Christianson
Sam Chung
Donald Clark
Mark Coppos
Louise A. Cort
Mark Cortright
Kevin Crowe
Cheryl Lee Crowley
Amanda Dobbratz
Roy Eddey
Carol Eddy
Eileen Egan
John Clark & Elizabeth Barringer
Raymon Elozua
Kathy Erteman
Sandra Eskin
Anne Fallis
Liz Fletcher
Geoffrey Flickinger
Warren Frederick & Catherine White
Barbara Frey
Kiku Fukui
Silvie Granatelli
Lynn Gervens
Marcia Halperin
Holly Hanessian
Doug Hanson
Michael Harrison
Jacob Hasslacher
Elise Hauenstein & Norm Abram
Robbie Heidinger
Bonnie Hellman in memory of Ronald Wilson
Fred Herbst
Linda & John Hillman
Tiffany Hilton
Dwight Holland
Lynne Horning
Angela Howell
Marilyn Iarusso
Al Jaeger
Sarah Jaeger
David & Diane Jenkins
Brent Johnson
Jonathan Kaplan
Gretchen Keyworth
Carol Kliger
Jim Kolva
Dr. Clayton D. Lanphear III
Ronald Larsen
Mary Law
Marjorie Levy
Suze Lindsay & Kent McLaghlin
Robbie Lobell
Warren Mackenzie
Nancy Magnusson
Peg Malloy
Jeff Manfredi
Virginia Marsh
David McBeth
Tim McCosker
Rochelle McGriff
Robert McWilliams
Alleghany Meadows & Sam Harvey
Pat Meehan
Ron Meyers
Hannah Niswonger
Mark Oehler
Frances Palmer
Jessica Parker
Mark Pharis
Joan Platt
Donna Polseno
Tim Reece
Joan Resnikoff
Crystal A. Ribich
Guy Rich
Sue Ricklefs
Russ Roeller
Deborah Rosenbloom in memory of Malcolm Davis
Peter Russo
Patricia Savignac
Jan Schachter
Karen Schwartz
Nancy Selvin
Mark Shapiro
Anat Shiftan
Michael Shortell
Linda Sikora & Matthew Metz
Peter Sohngen
Rebecca Sparks
Jim Spevak
Suzanne Staubach
Jeanne Stevens-Sollman
Rebekah Strickland
Will Swanson
Connie Talbot
Josh Teplitzky
David Thompson
Dennis Trombatore in memory of Akio Takamori
Susan Tunick
Ursula Vann
Mike Vatalaro
Barbara Walch
Alan Willoughby & Linda Shusterman
Paul Wisotzky
Marie Woo
Jacqui Worden
Please contact if you believe your name is listed in error, or if your name is missing from this list. Thank you!
Haymarket Peoples Fund
Mazal Foundation
Seth Sprague Educational and Charitable Foundation
Tile Heritage Foundation
Bailey Pottery Equipment Corp.
Highwater Clays Inc.
In-kind Donors
CLAYAKAR, and the potters who donated cups the Yunomi Invitational fundraiser
Santa Fe Clay
American Craft Council
Bailey Pottery Equipment
Brent Wheels and Equipment
Ceramics Art and Perception
Cornell Studio Supply
Eutectic Gallery
Hayne Bayless
Hollins University
Justin Rothshank
Northern Clay Center
National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA)
The Peninsula Potters
Phoenix Fired Art
Plinth Gallery
Minnesota Potters & St. Croix Pottery Tour
Skutt Kilns
Smith-Sharpe Fire Brick Supply
The Barn Pottery
The Original High Roller
Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts