The Path by Jane Herold
My definition of “useful” keeps evolving. I’ve long believed that a pot’s true usefulness lies in its ability to generate caring, to inspire a cook to greater effort, to offer comfort and company in a cup of tea, to cause someone to pause and take note of a particular moment on a particular day. In other words, to alter people’s consciousness, however subtly. Over the last three years, however, I’ve been making dishes for restaurants in collaboration with chefs, and my point of view has changed. And left me with a dilemma.
Herold's article "A New Definition of Useful," from Vol. 33, No. 2, June 2005, is in some ways a preface to her current issue article. We recommend reading both, which will give you plenty of food for thought, and thoughts about food. We also recommend this Youtube video of Jane working in her Palisades, New York, studio.
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