NJSE and K-12 Student Awards!
Each year at the NCECA annual conference, Studio Potter honors the artistic accomplishments of two graduate students, two undergraduate students, and two K-12 students with an annual membership. SP board members Hollis Engley and Hayne Bayless were our judges, who surveyed the exceptional works at the National Juried Student Exhibition. Their task was no small one. Awardees are (below, clockwise from top left): gaduate students Andrew Kellner (West Virginia University) and Louise Deroualle (University of Nebraska Lincoln), and undergraduate students Michael Ballew (Sierra Nevada College) and Greg Palumbo, (NYSCC at Alfred). Congratulations!
Our National K-12 Ceramic Exhibition winners were chosen by SP board member Josh Teplitzky, a ceramics teacher at Smoky Hill High School in Denver, Colorado. They are (below, L to R): Cobe Roberts, a senior at Northridge High School, Layton, Utah, for her "Big Blue Bottle," and Nathan Brenengen, an eigth-grader from Frederick, Maryland, for his "Crocodile Tea Bowl." Congratulations!