My cup collection is housed in an overflowing cabinet in a small kitchen. The assortment of mugs and cups grows each time I travel, attend a clay conference, enjoy a studio tour, or visit a gallery. My collection is not
comprehensive, but rather a personal grouping of unique vessels that instills wonder and appreciation for creativity and design.
The Mitros cup also succeeds in intangible criteria. I enjoy pondering what makes the cup feel so contemporary. The complex surface combines smooth and rough textures and encourages daydreaming. One of the unique aspects of collecting ceramics is that the workshop and conference culture of clay provides opportunities to meet the people whose art we collect. At the same NCECA where I bought the Mitros cup, I was able to talk to Matt. Knowing that so many cups in my collection are made by genuinely remarkable people is a significant factor of collecting ceramics.

Collectors of drinking vessels are familiar with the concepts of ritual and the celebration of daily life. We are comfortable with the intimacy of touching and drinking from the vessels. We welcome the many layers of nourishment the cups provide. Cups and mugs are popular collectors' items because they are simple to acquire, easy to maintain, and the storage space is built into our homes.