Mentor: Chris Baskin
Apprentice: Dwayne Sackey
Portland, Oregon
Dwayne Sackey earned a BFA from the Oregon College of Art and Craft in 2017. He has worked with young people, teaching ceramics and leading backpacking trips for nearly a decade. Follow Chris @chrisbaskinpottery and Dwayne @dwaynespots. Left: Ceramic Work by Dwayne Sackey, 2021.
Mentor: Rachael DePauw
Apprentice: Andrea Garcia
New Orleans, Louisiana
Andrea Garcia has worked as a studio assistant for Rachael DePauw since 2019. They began their apprenticeship in January of 2021. Follow Rachael @depauwpottery and Andrea @andrea.garcia.ceramics. Left: Rachael DePauw pictured with works, 2021.
Mentor: Kate Waltman, The Triangle Studio
Apprentice: Margaret Larson
Seagrove, North Carolina
Margaret Larson graduated in 2019 with a BA in art from Guilford College in Greensboro, North Carolina. She has worked as a studio intern and teaching assistant since 2018. Follow Kate @kayetwaltman and Margaret @margaretlarsonpottery. Left: Margaret Larson pictured with large vessel, 2021.
Mentor: Tara Wilson
Apprentice: Michaela Bromberek
Montana City, Montana
Michaela Bromberek earned her BA in psychology from the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse in 2019. She has worked as a studio assistant and apprentice since 2017. Follow Tara @teadubpottery and Michaela @michaelabromberek. Left: Tara Wilson and Michaela Bromberek preparing for woodfiring, 2021.